Monday 18 November 2013

Name & Colour Scheme

I have chosen to use Smashed as the title of my Music Magazine. I have decided this because of my decision to focus on the genre of rock for my magazine. Smashed works for the genre of rock as often on stage the artists will smash thier guitar and also the rock genre is often associated with fast music, which invloves guitarists smashing on their guitar. The title is easy to remember as it is only one word long and it will stick out from the other magazines on the market. The font I have chosen will also work with the name smashed.

For my colour scheme I have chosen to use the colours black, white and red. I have decided on this because I believe the colours fit well together. The colours black and red are very conventional of the rock genre and for this reason I believe they work well for my genre. The colours are sutable for both genders which will help as my target audience is also both genders. I have dicovered that these three colours will work well together through reasearch of other magazine covers.

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