Thursday 19 December 2013

Photos I Have Taken for My Magazine

These are the shots I have taken for my rock music magazine. I deicided to take a verity of shot lengths when taking my photos e.g. mid-shot, medium close up and long shot. I will not use all of these pictures because some of them are not appropriate for my magazine because they are badly framed or fuzzy. I believe that the long shots I have taken will work for my contents page. The mid shots I have taken will work for my magazine front cover. I posed the shots I wanted to use for my front cover because that is a convention seen on mgazine front covers. I have taken my double page spread pictures, thinking about what my magazines main feature story will be and also how I will get the image to span across two pages, for this reason I decided to have Chloe hold a clapboard as the feature story of my magazine is 'rock star becomes movie star'.

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