Tuesday 25 March 2014

Music Magazine Contents Page 3rd Draft

For the third draft of my contents page I decided to change the grey colour that I had behind the letter from the editor and main feature story to black and change the text colour to white. I believe this makes the text easier to read while also separating it from the rest of the text. Also it creates a cohesion to the rest of my page as the rest of the text is black with a white backing. I decided to add a magazine subscription section to my magazine as I found that many magazines had these and it was a convention that would feel absent on my product. To add the subscription section I had to delete one of my three pictures. However, I do not feel this is a loss as the image felt out of place on my page, due to the dress not being of the rock genre. Another thing I did for this draft was to change the font of my text as I felt my old font was not suitable for my genre.

Friday 14 March 2014

Music Magazine Contents Page 2nd Draft

For the second draft of my contents page I aimed to make it more cohesive with my front cover as the two had different colour schemes and did not seem to fit together. First of all I changed all the red boxes on the page to a brighter red, the same colour that had been used on my front cover. This created more of a colour scheme throughout my magazine as my double page spread has also used the same colour scheme. I also added the page numbers onto the images as this is a convention found in other magazines. I also added colouring behind the letter from the editor and the main feature story to separate them from the rest of the text in order to show there importance. However, I believe I will have to change the colour I used as I find the grey colour makes the black text harder to read and it also does not fit with the colour scheme of the rest of my magazine.