Friday 7 February 2014

Music Magazine Front Cover 3rd Draft

For the third draft of my music magazine front cover I changed only a little from my second draft. The main change I made to my magazine was to make the overall look of the magazine tie in together more than it had in previous drafts. To do this I made the box that the main feature story is placed in the same colour as the paint circle the surrounded my plug. I also changed the boxes that were previoudly yellow to match these colours also. This was also done because the new colour I have chosen is closer to the colour of Chloe's scarf. By doing this I believe my magazine now fits together better than it did. It also reduces the amount of colours on my cover to the conventional three rather than the four I had before. I also changed the work 'PLUS!' and 'INSIDE:' to the same colour also so that they stick out from the rest of the text in the skylind and footer. I also changed the + to the same colour also. I did this to fit the conventions I found on other music magazine covers I looked at. I moved the main feature story father down on the page. I did this to fill the page more than it previously had been and also to make more of the image stand out then it had before. I reduced the size of the barcode again as it was still to big. I believe the size it is now takes up the right amount of space on the page and does not take away from the page as it had done before. The last thing I did was reduce the size of the plug so that it fit on the page as before it went over the edge of the page. I also titled the plug on its side so that it follows the conventions seen on other magazine covers.

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