Friday 14 February 2014

Music Magazine Double Page Spread 1st Draft

For the first draft of my double page spread I looked back to my front cover and contents page to make sure they all followed the same colour scheme. I chose to use a pull quote as the header of my double page spread as I felt it would be the most effective to get readers to read the story and it also gave a direct link to the article, more so than if I had decided on a title for the header. For the main body of text I decided to go with a question and answer format as I thought that would be the easiest to come up with the number of words I needed for the text. Also on the main body of text, in order to follow conventions I had the colour of the text for the questions and the colour of text for the answers different as this allowed the text to be easier read. I included a acceptable length stand first on the page in order to follow the conventions found in magazines and also to attract the reader into reading the article, or giving them a shorter version of the article to read. For the image on the page I decided to have my feature artists hold a clapper board as it fit in with the article I was writing for my magazine. I also thought it would give an original layout to my page as the text would have to bend around the clapper board. I included page numbers on the page and made sure that the where the correct page numbers listed on my contents page to make the magazine appear more realistic and also to create a cohesion in my piece. I included a page separate to make my magazine more realistic and to show where the fold would be on the magazine.

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